Distinguish between conventional and non – conventional sources of energy

Conventional sources of energy (for example coal, petrol and petroleum gas) are non-sustainable wellsprings of energy. Non-conventional sources of energy (for example sun based and wind energy) are sustainable wellsprings of energy. They have been used for quite a while. For instance, kindling and coal have been used since quite a while.
Final Answer :
The key differences between conventional and non -conventional sources of energy are :
Petroleum products, CNG, coal, oil, flammable gas are the instances of the conventional sources of energy. Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio Energy, Hydro Energy, Tidal Energy, Ocean Energy are the instances of non-conventional energy assets.
The conventional sources of energy are non sustainable by any regular process. Non-conventional energy assets are inexhaustible.
These(conventional) assets are accessible in a restricted quantity. Non-traditional energy sources are eco-accommodating in nature.