Distance and Displacement

What is Distance?

Distance is the measure of total length covered, moving from one place to another. Distance is a scalar quantity, which means that it has only magnitude and no direction.

The SI unit of distance is metres (m).

What is Displacement?

Displacement is the shortest distance moved between two places. Unlike distance, displacement is a vector quantity. This means it has a magnitude as well as a direction.

The SI unit of displacement is the same as that of distance, that is metres (m).

What is the difference between distance and displacement?

Distance and displacement

Distance and displacement

In the figure, there are 2 paths mentioned for travelling from Town A to Town B.

When travelling on the curved path, the distance travelled is 50,000 m. When travelling on the straight path, the distance covered is 20,000 m.

But the shortest distance between the 2 towns is only on one path, that is the straight path of 20,000 m. Hence, the displacement from Town A to Town B is 20,000 m.