Disease Manifestation, Treatment, and Prevention

What are the solutions to treat a disease?

There are two solutions namely Temporary and Permanent solutions. Let us have a look at both.

Temporary solution: We can take medicines to reduce the effects of the disease. However, this won’t confirm the destruction of pathogens. The disease-causing agents may be still present in the body but in an inactive state. In this type of solution, only the effect of the disease is reduced but the disease is not cured completely.

Permanent solution: Killing the very cause of the disease that is the infectious agents is a permanent solution.

Can we cure viral diseases?

Virus-causing diseases are difficult to be treated. We can only control them by using antiviral medicines.

Let us understand why?

Viruses do not have an independent existence. Without entering a living cell, viruses cannot multiply. That means they need a host in order to survive. And the host in our body is nothing else but cells. So. if we have to kill a virus, we must also kill the cell; thus, damaging the organism. Therefore, we can only use medicines to suppress the activities of the virus but we cannot completely kill it.

How can we prevent diseases?

The main cause of the disease is infectious agents. We can’t always prevent exposure to the

disease, but we can surely reduce our exposure by:

  • Keeping the air clean
  • Consuming safe drinking water
  • Maintaining clean environments
  • Strengthening the immune system

Keeping the body well-nourished