Discuss the different modifications of leaves.

Leaves are the main site of photosynthesis.
According to the habitat and need of the plant, leaves are modified to perform special functions.
The modification of leaves are as follows :-
Spines :- Spines are the sharp-pointed modification of leaves which protect them from grazing animals.
Example :- Opuntia etc.
Phyllode :- Phyllode is a flat modified petiole, which performs the function of leaves.
Example :- Acacia etc.
Tendrils :- Tendrils are coiled, thin modification of leaves present in climbing plants.
Example :- Pea etc.
Storage leaves :- Storage leaves are also modifications of leaves which store food.
Example :- Aloe vera etc.
Leaf bladder :- Leaf bladder is the modification of leaf found generally in aquatic plants to trap insects.
Example – Utricularia etc.
Leaf pitcher :- Leaf pitcher is the modification of leaves present in insectivorous plants to trap insects. Example – Pitcher plant etc.
Final answer :-
Hence, these are the different modifications of leaves.