Differentiate between skilled, semi – skilled and unskilled labour.

Skilled labour – Skilled labour is defined as workers who have received specialised training for a specific profession and have extensive on-the-job experience. They are well compensated. Doctors, engineers, and chartered accountants, for example.
Semi-skilled labour – Semi-skilled workers have only received a portion of their trade’s professional training but have sufficient experience in the field. When compared to skilled labour, they get paid less. Carpenters, goldsmiths, and so on.
Unskilled workers – Unskilled workers are engaged to perform jobs that do not necessitate the use of a specialised professional expertise. Workers on a building site, for example. They are paid a pittance Domestic servants and sweepers, for example.

Final Answer : Skilled labour isn’t simply about doing the job. They can sometimes help with rethinking how the job is done and, when appropriate, implementing new procedures and technologies. Workers who lack technical skills and expertise are referred to as unskilled labour. Ones for unskilled labourers are just as important as jobs for skilled labourers.