Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall.

The three of them are Simple tissues that have only one type of cell present.
Differences between the tissues on the basis of their cell wall –
Parenchyma – They are living cells with Cellulose present in their cell wall.
Collenchyma – They are thin walled living cells with an uneven cell wall made of Pectin, Cellulose and Hemicellulose
Sclerenchyma – They are dead cells and have a thick and hard cell wall made of lignin.
Final Answer :
The cell wall of Parenchyma is made up of Cellulose while Collenchyma has a cell wall made of Cellulose, Pectin and Hemicellulose.
Sclerenchyma has a cell wall made of lignin.