Differentiate between geitonogamy and xenogamy in plants. Which one between the two will lead to inbreeding depression and why?

Pollination is the process in which pollen is carried to the stigma of flowers.
Pollination is of two types.
(i) Self pollination
(ii) Cross pollination
Geitonogamy is a type of self-pollination, in this pollination occurs between two flowers of the same plant.
As geitonogamy is self-pollination it will lead to inbreeding depression.
Xenogamy is cross-pollination, in this pollination occurs between flowers of two plants.
It brings variations.

Final Answer- So geitonogamy refers to self-pollination and xenogamy refers to cross-pollination,
Geitonogamy leads to inbreeding depression as it is genetically self-pollination.