Differentiate between ‘Economics’ and ‘Economy’.

The following points are significant in terms of the distinction between economics and the economy:

Economics can be characterized as a social science that focuses on how economic agents behave, interact, and make decisions in order to satisfy their goals when resources are restricted.
Economy, on the other hand, is a structured system that includes the production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of commodities and services, as well as the degree of employment in a country or region.
Because it contains theories, models, and principles, economics is theoretical. The concepts and theories of economics, on the other hand, are practically applied in the economy.
Individuals, families, businesses, and nations use economics to study how they make decisions in the face of resource scarcity. The economy, on the other hand, reveals how resources are distributed among society’s many members.
The study of economics is primarily concerned with how individuals, families, businesses, and nations behave and interact, how they make decisions, how society uses its limited resources, and how economies function. The economy, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with how a company’s financial concerns are organised and managed.

Final Answer:- The following points are significant in terms of the distinction between economics and the economy:

Economics can be characterized as a social science that focuses on how economic agents behave, interact, and make decisions in order to satisfy their goals when resources are restricted. Economy, on the other hand, is a structured system that includes the production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of commodities and services, as well as the degree of employment in a country or region.
Because it contains theories, models, and principles, economics is theoretical. The concepts and theories of economics, on the other hand, are practically applied in the economy.
Individuals, families, businesses, and nations use economics to study how they make decisions in the face of resource scarcity. The economy, on the other hand, reveals how resources are distributed among society’s many members.
The study of economics is primarily concerned with how individuals, families, businesses, and nations behave and interact, how they make decisions, how society uses its limited resources, and how economies function. The economy, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with how a company’s financial concerns are organised and managed.