Differentiate between active immunity and passive immunity.

Immunity is the ability of the body to destroy foreign components and pathogens in order to avoid infection.
As a result, the human body’s first line of defense against viruses is made up of barriers like skin, mucus, layers, and saliva. In addition, this is referred to as innate immunity.
The phagocytes, which are solely created by innate immunity, constitute the second line of defense. Adaptive immunity is the third line of defense after that.
Active and passive adaptive immunity are the two forms of adaptive immunity. It’s critical to understand the difference between active and passive immunity in order to fully comprehend it.
As a result, antibodies made outside the body and then injected into the body develop passive immunity.
Active immunity, on the other hand, occurs when antibodies are produced in the body.

Final Answer : When our own immune system is in charge of safeguarding us from a pathogen, we are said to have active immunity.
When we are shielded from a pathogen by someone else’s immunity, we are said to have passive immunity.