Describe the process of respiration in fish.

Respiration in fish takes place by the gills
Gills are the respiratory organ of fish , present on both sides of the head.
Gills are responsible for gaseous exchange
Gills are made up of feather like structure called gills filament
Gills filament provides extra surface area for gaseous exchange.
Gills are covered with gill covers so they are not visible from outside

Final Answer

Fish take water in which Oxygen is dissolved through its mouth and pump it out from the gills
When water passes over the gills, gills absorb the oxygen dissolved in water
The extracted oxygen is then absorbed by the blood and carried to all the other parts of fish for respiration ( energy is released)
Carbon dioxide produced during this process is brought back again by the blood into the gills.
Gills expel this carbon dioxide in its surrounding water.