Describe the process of digestion of protein in stomach.

Protein digestion begins in the stomach and continues in the small intestine. Gastric juice is the digesting juice secreted by the gastric glands on the stomach walls. When food enters the stomach and comes into contact with this gastric juice, it turns acidic.
Hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, mucus, and rennin are the primary components of gastric juice.
Pepsinogen is transformed into pepsin when hydrochloric acid dissolves the food particles and generates an acidic environment.
Pepsin is a protease that digests proteins.
Pepsinogen is secreted in its inactive form, which is then activated by hydrochloric acid. Pepsin that has been activated transforms proteins into proteases and peptides.
Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme that is released in the form of pro-rennin.
Rennin is a protein that aids in the coagulation of milk.

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