Describe the location and extent of the Northern Plains of India.

The Northern Plains were formed from the alluvium deposited here by Yamakawa.
This made the soil on the surface land fertile to grow abundant crops of varied crops.
This led to the event of the Indus Valley civilization. The fertile soil was further assisted by the favorable climate and therefore the constant water system from the river.
Between the mouth of the Indus and therefore the Ganges Brahmaputra, the plains of North India stretch for 2400 km. In some places, the width is 240320km.
The plains of northern India have the Indus to the west and therefore the Ganga Brahmaputra to the east. The primary ones include Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Satluj.
The Indus flows into the Arabian Sea . The second includes the Ganges, its tributaries, and therefore the Brahmaputra, which join to make the Meghna River because it flows into the Bay of Bengal.
They form the world’s largest and fastest growing delta. Thanks to the difference in salvation, the North Indian Plain was divided into four zones: (i) Babhar, (ii) Tarai, (iii) Bangor, (iv) Kadar.

Final answer:The northern plains were made with the alluvial soil.this soil made land fertile, this led to the indus valley civilization. The Indus river flows into the Arabian sea.