Describe the histology of human testis. Write a note on human sperm.

Human Testis –
Testes are a pair of oval shaped organs that are responsible for the production of sperms and hormones. The testes are covered externally by three layers, namely the tunica vaginalis, fibrous connective tissue tunica albuginea and tunica vasculosa, formed by capillaries.
A transverse section of the testes shows the presence of compartmental structures known as testicular lobules that contain seminiferous tubules.
The seminiferous tubules produce sperms. The stratified epithelium consists of Sertoli and Spermatogenic cells also known as male germ cells.
Sertoli cells nourish the sperm till they mature and the germ cells undergo spermatogenesis, stages of which can be seen in a transverse section.
Leydig cells are found between the seminiferous tubules and perform the function of secreting Testosterone and Androgen. Testosterone controls the process of spermatogenesis.

Human Sperm –
The haploid male gamete that is motile is known as sperm. It has an oval head, a cylindrical body and an elongated tail.
The head is oval and flat, consisting of a nucleus and an acrosome. The acrosome secretes hyaluronidase that the sperm penetrate the egg for fertilisation to take place.
The neck has a pair of centrioles, the proximal centriole aids in zygote cleavage and the distal centriole is concerned with the formation of the axial filament.
The middle piece plays a role in the generation of energy that is needed for movement, due to the presence of mitochondria.
The tail contains the cytoplasm and is longer compared to the head. The axial filament that arises from the distal centriole and passes through the middle piece and the tail.

Final answer:
Testis is the primary reproductive organ which mainly perform the process of spermatogenesis and formation of testosterone.
Sperms are haploid cell and male gamete which is spoon shaped.