Describe the friendship between Khushwant Singh and his grandmother.

When the author lived with his grandmother in the hamlet throughout his early years, she was heavily involved in his upbringing.
She used to get up early in the morning and wake him up.
She sung her prayers while washing and dressed him.
She was hoping that the small guy would memorise it.
She then served him a stale chapatti with butter and sugar for breakfast.
Then they would all go to the temple school together.
The grandma would read religious literature while the author was learning his lesson.
They arrived at their destination jointly.
When his parents summoned them to the city, it was a turning point in their friendship.
Despite the fact that they shared a room, she was unable to assist him significantly.
She despised Science, Music, and Western education.
Their friendship’s unifying thread was progressively severed.

Final answer:

Hence, the friendship between Khushwant Singh and his grandmother is very deep. His grandmother commanded the author’s respect and adoration, and her love for him was boundless.