Describe the different methods of asexual reproduction. Give examples.

There are several methods involved in the asexual reproduction in an organsim. These are:
Budding: It is a form of reproduction involving the formation of a projection from the parent body known as a bud, which detaches itself after attaining maturity. Example: Yeast
Regeneration: A fragment detaches from the body of the parent in this type of asexual reprodcution. The fragment then generates into a new individual when it is ready. Example: Planaria
Fission: This is a form of reproduction wherein the parent body elongates, divides into two similar daughter cells through a fission. Example: Amoeba
Vegetative reproduction: The vegetative parts of the plant such as leaves, root, stem etc when propagated in proper condition leads to the formation of new plants. Example: Propagation of Begonia and Bryophyllum by leaves.
Sporulation: This method of reproduction involves germination of spores released from the parent body leading to the formation of new individuals in favorable environments. Example: Ferns and mosses
Fragmentation: This type of reproduction involves formation of new individuals through the fragments obtained from the parent body. Example: Spirogyra
Final Answer:
Hence, there are six ways of asexual reproduction.