Define the dielectric constant in terms of the capacitance of a capacitor

The dielectric constant is the ratio of the material’s electric permeability to that of empty space (i.e., vacuum), and its value can be calculated using a simplified capacitor model.
The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric between its plates is , where is the material’s dielectric constant.
Dielectric strength is the maximal electric field strength over which an insulating material begins to break down and conduct.
Define the phrase “dielectric constant” in terms of capacitor capacitance.
The ratio of a capacitor’s capacitance with a dielectric as the medium to its capacitance with a vacuum between its plates is known as the dielectric constant of a media.

Final Answer :
The ratio of a capacitor’s capacitance when the dielectric serves as the medium to its capacitance when the plates are separated by a vacuum.