Contact and Non-Contact Forces

What are Contact Forces?

When the bodies are in contact with each other, the force applied is called Contact force. In this segment, we will study about Contact forces in detail.

What are Non-Contact Forces?

When the bodies are not in contact, the force applied is called Non-contact force.

Contact and Non-Contact Force

Examples of Contact Forces

 To drink some water from a glass, you must lift the glass towards your mouth. Here, your hand is in contact with the glass. So, the force you are applying to the glass is a contact force.

Similarly, to pass a football towards a teammate, a player applies force on the ball by kicking it. Here, his foot is in contact with the football. So, this force is a contact force.

Contact forces examples

Similarly, pushing or pulling the desk from one point to another, pressing the keys on the keyboard, heading the football, and moving a piece on a chessboard are some of the other contact forces examples in which parts of our body are in contact with the objects and force is applied on them.

What is Muscular force?

The muscles in our body expand and contract when we apply force on objects. Thus, the contact forces generated due to the body being in contact with an object, are called Muscular forces.

All the above examples of contact forces are also examples of muscular force. Animals also use muscular force to carry out physical activities. For example, a bullock applies muscular force on the cart to move it forward.

Example of Muscular Force


Contact Forces Forces that result when bodies are in contact with each other
Non-Contact Forces Forces that result when bodies are not in contact with each other
Muscular Forces Forces generated due to our body being in contact with the object

Did you know?

Muscle strength is our ability to use force. Our jaw muscle (Masseter) is the strongest muscle in the human body.

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What is Force?