Complex Permanent Tissues

What is Complex permanent tissue?

When different types of cells come together to form one type of tissue, it is known as Complex permanent tissue. These tissues are also called conducting tissues or vascular bundles.

What are the types of complex permanent tissues?

Types of complex permanent tissues

Types of complex permanent tissues

There are two types of complex tissues:

    • Xylem
    • The function of the xylem structure is conduction of water and minerals
    • Xylem cells are usually thick-walled and dead
    • They are made up of four major components:
      • Tracheids
      • Vessels
      • Xylem parenchyma
      • Xylem fibres

Components of xylem

Components of xylem

Component Function
Tracheids and vessels Have tubular structure and hence their function is to conduct water and minerals
Xylem parenchyma Conduct water sideways and store food
Xylem fibre Give mechanical support to the plant
  • Phloem
  • The function of the phloem structure is conduction of food
  • Phloem can move the substances in both directions, unlike xylem that conducts water from roots to
  • Phloem is also made up of four components:
  • Sieve tubes
  • Companion cells
  • Phloem parenchyma
  • Phloem fibres

Components of phloem

Components of phloem

Component Function
Sieve tubes Have perforated walls; thus, their function is to pass food molecules across various directions
Companion cells Guide the sieve tubes to regulate the amount of food to be passed through
Phloem parenchyma Store food
Phloem fibres Provide support