Co-ordination in plants

What is Growth independent movement?

  • The movement of trees that do not induce growth in plants is known as growth independent movement.

For example, in the mimosa plant also known as touch-me-not, if one leaf gets touched, then all the others in the series gradually start folding. This occurs due to a decrease in Turgor pressure.

  • Turgor pressure is the amount of force applied by the water against the cell wall of the plant cells. When touched externally a series of reactions make water diffuse out of the cell. This triggers the closing of the
  • This type of movement is called seismonastic

What is Tropism?

Tropism refers to the movement of the plant or its particular part in one direction, due to any specific stimulus.

Four major types of tropism in plants are geotropism, hydrotropism, phototropism, and chemotropism.

  •  Geotropism

The movement of a specific part of the plant like roots towards the soil is called geotropism.

  •  Hydrotropism

The movement of a specific part of the plant like roots towards the water is called hydrotropism.

  •  Phototropism

The movement of a specific part of the plant like shoots towards the light is called phototropism.

  •  Chemotropism

The movement of a specific part of the plant towards chemicals is called Chemotropism.

What are the Different hormones present in the plant?

Five hormones bring about coordination in plants: auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, ethylene, and abscisic acid.

  •  Auxin

Auxin is a plant hormone responsible for shoot growth.

  •  Cytokinin

Cytokinin is a plant hormone that helps in promoting cell division in roots and shoots.

  •  Gibberellin

Gibberellin is a plant hormone that carries out seed germination and stem elongation. It also helps in flowering and even fruit senescence.

  •  Ethylene

Ethylene is the only plant hormone that is present in the gaseous state. It causes fruit ripening.

  •  Abscisic acid

Abscisic acid is a plant hormone that is a plant growth inhibitor.