Classify resources, on the basis of exhaustibility in two groups. Mention three characteristics of each.

Renewable Resources: Renewable or replenishable resources are those that can be replaced or reproduced through mechanical, physical, or chemical processes, such as solar and wind energy, water, forests, and wildlife.

Non-Renewable Resources: These occur over geologically vast periods of time. Minerals and petroleum are two examples of such resources. The creation of these resources takes millions of years. Some resources, such as metals, are recyclable, whereas others, such as fossil fuels, cannot be recycled and must be used up.

Final Answer: On the basis of exhaustibility, there are two types of resources-
Renewable and Non-renewable.

Renewable resources:
Renewable resources do not get exhausted over time.
They are sunlight, water, wind and also geothermal sources such as hot springs and fumaroles.
Most of them have very low carbon emissions and less carbon footprint.

Non-Renewable Resources
Non-renewable resources get exhausted over time.
Their energy includes fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum.
It has a comparatively higher carbon footprint and carbon emissions.