Cell Organelles – Vacuoles

What are Vacuoles?

Cell organelles that act as storage centres for the cell are called Vacuoles. They are storage sacs for solid and liquid components which are usually wastes generated by the cell.

They can store:

  • Waste materials
  • Amino acids
  • Sugars
  • Proteins
  • Other substances


Plant cells have comparatively bigger and fewer vacuoles, while the animal cell has smaller and many vacuoles.

What roles do vacuoles play in lower organisms?

  • In lower organisms like the amoeba and paramecium, there are specialized vacuoles called the Food vacuoles which helps in food
  • Apart from this, they also have Contractile vacuoles which have the ability to contract or shrink. These vacuoles store liquids and when they get completely filled, they contract to expel out the stored
  • Thus, vacuoles perform a variety of functions in different
