Cell Organelles – Nucleus

What is the Nucleus?

  • The controlling unit of the cell is called the Nucleus.
  • It is located at the centre of the cell and governs the functions of other
  • It has its own membrane which separates the inner contents of the cell from the rest of the
  • The membrane has pores to allow entry and exit of substances across
  • The nucleus has its own jelly-like fluid called the Nucleoplasm which is slightly different from the rest of the


How does the nucleus regulate the activities of other organelles?

The nucleus contains the genetic material which is responsible for the transmission of characters from one generation to the next. The genetic materials are codes for specific proteins which perform various functions in the cell.

For example, passing information, communication, building structures, and many other activities are carried out by specific proteins.

Thus, the nucleus helps in regulating the various functions of the other cell organelles.

What are Genes and DNA?

  • In the nucleus, there are tangled thread-like structures called the Chromatin fibres

which enclose the genetic material within them.

  • When the cell has to divide, these long threads coil themselves to form a compact structure called the Chromosome. So, chromosomes and chromatin are the same things


  • The chromosomes are made up of smaller functional segments called Genes which form the basis of heredity in all
  • The similarities and variations that organisms have with their parents are because of genes.
  • Genes are made up of the molecules of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).