Biosphere, Biodiversity and Protected Areas

What is Biosphere?

The sphere of the earth in which living organisms exist is called the Biosphere. It is the sphere that supports life.

What is Biodiversity?

The variety and variability of life on Earth is called Biodiversity.

It constitutes the number of living organisms like plants, animals, and microbes that exist on earth. These organisms are interrelated and have a close relationship with the environment.

For example, microbes increase the fertility of the soil in which plants grow and humans depend on plants and other animals. Plants need sun and air. Humans also need water and air for survival. Thus each one is connected and dependent on the other.


How are organisms interrelated with the environment?

The biodiversity of one region is different from another region.

For example, penguins are found near the poles while trees are found near the equatorial regions.

What are Protected Areas?

Plants and animals can grow and survive only in specific temperatures and climatic conditions. Thus, their habitats are region-specific.

Governments of various countries mark certain areas which are rich in biodiversity or have animals and plants that are threatened as protected areas to protect animals and plants in their habitats.

There are three types of protected areas:

  • Sanctuaries
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • National Parks


Biosphere The sphere of the earth in which living organisms exist is called the


Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. It constitutes the number of living organisms like plants, animals and microbes that exist on earth.
Protected areas Areas that are rich in biodiversity or have animals and plants that are threatened are marked as protected areas. There are three types of protected areas:


Biosphere Reserves

National Parks

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