As a staff reporter for ‘The Times of India’, Delhi, you are asked to cover an incident of daylight robbery on the outskirts of Delhi, While the inmates were present in the house. Write a report in 100 – 125 words.

Robbery in Daylight again
Sadiya, Staff Reporter
The times of India,

New Delhi, Jan 20: Four robbers with a gun and on a verge of a knife entered the house of the Sharma family at 10 AM the morning. One of them faked being a delivery boy and when the son of the Sharma family came out to take the package, they threatened him with a knife and entered the house. After tying up the whole family with whatever clothes they found, they robbed the house, jewelry worth 20-30 lakh, 5 lakh cash, a laptop, and their mobile phones have been taken by the robbers.

At the time robbers entered, Mr. Sharma was busy reading the newspaper, Mrs. Sharma was in the kitchen and their daughter was sleeping. When the daily tried to protest, they beat up their son badly.

The incident has been recorded minutely on the camera at the entrance of the house. The police are still investigating.

Final Answer: The required report is written above.