Are langur monkeys friendly?

Langurs often go into fields and homes to take food, leading to people treating them badly. Even though people may give them food in temples, they don’t show the same kindness to monkeys near their homes. In cities, langurs stealing and biting people for food can make the situation worse, leading to more mistreatment.

FAQ’s on langur monkeys friendly

Are langurs good pets?

No, langurs are not suitable as pets. They are wild animals with specific needs that are challenging to meet in a domestic setting. Keeping langurs as pets can be dangerous for both the animal and the owner.

Are Indian monkeys friendly?

While some Indian monkeys may appear friendly, they are wild animals and can exhibit unpredictable behavior. Approaching or attempting to interact with them can pose risks, including the potential for aggression or the transmission of diseases. It is advisable to observe wildlife from a safe distance.

Can we keep langur as a pet?

Keeping a langur as a pet is not recommended. Langurs are social animals with complex needs that are best met in their natural habitat. Domesticating them can lead to stress, health issues, and behavioral problems. Additionally, keeping langurs as pets may be illegal in many places due to conservation and animal welfare concerns.