(a)Name the chemical that cements animal cells. (b)Name two contractile proteins. (c)What is the difference between RNA and DNA in their nitrogen bases?

A chemical that cements animal cells is – hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a carbohydrate that is a polymer of glucuronic acid and acetyl glucosamine.
It is present in the extracellular matrix of the skin and connective tissue and provides lubrication in joints. It has hydrating capabilities and works as an adhesive.

Two contractile filaments- Actin and myosin are two contractile proteins
Myosin protein- It is an ATP-dependent motor protein, composed of a 6-polypeptide chain and is differentiated into two parts-Tail and Head. The tail is composed of two polypeptide chains that are inter-coiled with each other to form a light meromyosin head.
Heads are two in number and each head is composed of two glomerular meromyosin proteins that form heavy meromyosin.

Actin filament- Consists of three types of proteins-a. Actin protein-formed of two polypeptide chains inter-coiled with each other to form a double helix. It forms the backbone of F-actin, each helix of which is formed by the polymerization of 13 G-actin molecules.
b. Tropomyosin- formed of two polypeptide chains and is spirally coiled around F-actin.
c. Troponin-lying at the end of tropomyosin protein is an oval-shaped protein, it works to bind the active site binding site of myosin.
(c ) DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of one nitrogenous base- purine( Adenine and Guanine) and pyrimidine ( Thymine and cytosine), one deoxyribose sugar and phosphate group.
RNA- Ribonucleic acid is a polymer of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of one
Nitrogenous base-purine ( Adenine and Guanine) and pyrimidine ( Uracil and Cytosine), one ribose sugar and phosphate group.

Final Answer-

A chemical that cements animal cells is – hyaluronic acid

Two contractile filaments- Actin and myosin are two contractile proteins

The difference between the DNA and RNA is the sugar present in the nucleotide and the DNA thymine is present instead of RNA.