(a) Define streamline. (b) Write any two properties of streamlines.

(a) streamline – A streamline flow or laminar flow is defined as one in which there are no turbulent velocity fluctuations. Streamline is the actual path followed by the procession of particles in a steady flow which may be straight or curved such that tangent to it at any point indicated the direction of flow of liquid at that point.

B- Two properties of streamline

1- In a stream-line flow, no two stream lines can cross each together. If they do so, the particles of the liquid at the point of intersection will have two different direction for their flow, which will destroy the steady nature of the liquid flow

2 The greater is the crowding of streamlines at a place, the greater is the velocity of liquid particles at that place and vice-versa.

Final answer:
(a) streamline – A streamline flow or laminar flow is defined as one in which there are no turbulent velocity fluctuations. Streamline is the actual path followed by the procession of particles in a steady flow which may be straight or curved such that tangent to it at any point indicated the direction of flow of liquid at that point.

B- Two properties of streamline

1- In a stream-line flow, no two stream lines can cross each together. If they do so, the particles of the liquid at the point of intersection will have two different direction for their flow, which will destroy the steady nature of the liquid flow

2 The greater is the crowding of streamlines at a place, the greater is the velocity of liquid particles at that place and vice-versa.