

6CO2 + 12H2O →→C6H12O6 + 6H2O +6O2

Photosynthesis occurs in two phases-

The photochemical phase occurs inside the thylakoids. It is a “light dependent step”, in this phase, photolysis of water takes place for the production of assimilatory power(NADPH and ATP). Oxygen is involved in this phase.

The biosynthetic phase (Dark or Blackman’s phase)- occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts. The reaction is not light-dependant. Assimilatory power formed during the photochemical phase is used for the fixation and reduction of carbon dioxide. Glucose is the end product.

Final Answer-

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce their food that is carbohydrates in two phases one which is light-dependent and the other is not.
The final product formed is glucose.


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