
Explanation :

Amphoteric oxide : Those oxide which reacts with acid as well as base are known as Amphoteric oxide.

Reaction of water with Acid: 

H2O(l )+H2S(g)⇌ H2 O+(aq) + HS-(aq)

Reaction of water with base:

H2 O(l ) + NH3  ⇌ OH-+NH4+

Final Answer : Hence the correct answer is 

H_2 O(l )+H_2 S(g)⇌ H_2 O^+(aq) + HS^-(aq)

H_2 O(l ) + NH_3  ⇌ OH^-+NH_4^+

These are the reactions to show the amphoteric nature of water.

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