
I always ask myself the question of what my plan is for the future in my life. I too want to have a bright career, make my parents feel proud of me, do research around new things, explore things and travel the world with my friends and family. As I am in the last year of my school, I need to focus more on my studies, so that I can opt for the subject of my choice and then pursue my career in the same. I always love to spend most of my time in the chemistry lab, doing experiments, seeing chemical reactions, studying about chemicals and learning more about them. So, I guess my future is in chemistry. I want to pursue Msc in Chemistry and like our chemistry teacher I want someone like me to be curious about learning things the same way as I am doing. Besides that, I want to be a globetrotter traveling all places, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and even abroad. I want to write travel stories, collect so many pictures and convert my hobby into passion. Most of us give up in the middle of trying to achieve our dreams. Some try so hard and still give up if things don’t go as planned by us. But, we must always aspire for great things and achieve them no matter how time taking those things are. My father always taught me that if I live 40 years of my life struggling and working hard, the day I succeed, the coming 40 years will be the most smooth for me. So, I will start working on these plans now and not wait for tomorrow as tomorrow never comes.

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