
Small issues involving ordinary people and their daily lives are covered by local media. It usually begins in small groups.

Several people utilize community radio to inform farmers about crop prices and provide advice on seed and fertilizer usage.

Others make documentary films about real-life problems encountered by various poor groups using very inexpensive and readily available video cameras and have even given the poor these video cameras to make films about their own lives. Khabar Lahriya is also a local newspaper.

A local newspaper, Khabar Lahriya, is also published. It's a fortnightly managed by eight Dalit women in Uttar Pradesh's Chitrakoot area. It is written in Bundeli, the local language.

The Dalit issues, as well as incidences of violence against women and political corruption, are covered in this eight-page newspaper.

Farmers, shopkeepers, panchayat members, school teachers, and newly literate women read this newspaper.

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