
A country on the southmost tip of the African continent is South Africa.
South Africa became independent from Great Britain on December 11, 1931, but the British monarch remained head of state. But On May 31, 1961, South Africa became a republic and broke all formal ties with Great Britain.
And South Africa was independent of the European powers that had controlled it. The European power, in the form of the white elites that dominated politics and economics in the new country, was still in charge, which caused a racist apartheid regime. The country's native black people did not participate in the 1961 referendum, and they had very few rights under the racist apartheid regime. True independence of South Africa came only in 1994 when Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress came into power following a multiracial, multiparty election.

Final Answer:
Hence, the correct answer is option C. i.e, 26 April 1994.


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