
The immediate causes for the mutiny of 1857 are as follows:

1.The British asked the Indian sepoys to use cartridges made of pig and cow fat in wars which hurt the religious sensibilities of the Muslims as well as Hindus of India leading to discontent and rage among the sepoys against the British.

2. The sepoys were also unhappy about their pay, allowances and conditions of service which again violated their religious beliefs. For instance, it was believed that people who go overseas were considered to lose their caste and religion, contrary to which the Indian sepoys where sent to other countries abroad for war.

3.The laws made by the British to reform the Indian societies such as abolition of Sati and encouragement of widow remarriage made the Indian repel as they felt the British were destroying the customs and way of life.

4. The plight of peasants and zamindars that resented high taxes and rigid methods of revenue and resulted in losing their land to the British also ignited rage amongst the peasant and zamindar community.

5. Though the above given were the immediate causes for the outbreak of the revolt, the British plans to annex and capture the Mughal Empire also came as an insecurity to Indians and hence, led by Bahadur Shah Zafar, the mutiny broke out in May,1857 much to the shock of the British.

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