An equation is said to be satisfied when its L.H.S. is equal to R.H.S after replacing the variable with a numerical value.
The value of a variable that can satisfy an equation is called the Solution of that equation. For example,
Consider the equation 6x + 3 = 21.
When x = 3 is put in the L.H.S, of this equation, then L.H.S. = 6(3) + 3 = 18 + 3 = 21 = R.H.S.
Thus, x = 3 satisfies the equation 6x + 3 = 21.
Hence, x = 3 is the solution of the equation 6x + 3 = 21.
What is a Linear equation in one variable?
An equation that consists of only one variable and whose highest power in the equation is 1 is called a Linear equation in one variable. They are also called as First degree equations in one variable.
For example,
  • 6x + 45 = 81
  • 17y = 10
  • z - 6 = 4
solved 5
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