What is the correct order of reactivity of the following compounds in nucleophilic substitution reaction when treated with aq. NaOH?



The structures differ only at the point of halogen,so considering them it can further elaborated as follows:

In group 17, when we move down the group (F → Cl → Br → I), reactivity for nucleophilic substitution (SN) decreases because when the given compounds are treated with NaOH, acid-base reaction takes place, NaOH extracts a H+ ion from the ring resulting in negative charge over the ring.

Now, if the -ve charge is well-distributed over the ring, then the intermediate would be stable, making the reaction more feasible.

So, to distribute the negative charge, - I (induction effect) of the substituent comes into play. Since order of -I is F>Cl>Br>I

So order of stability of intermediate (-ve charge distribution) would be I>II>III>IV.

Final Answer:

Hence, the correct answer is option A.:  I>II>III>IV.

solved 5
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