
The poverty line is defined by the necessities an individual requires.  A person who can earn to meet his requirements is said to be above the poverty line, while those who can't are below the poverty line. The poverty line is the amount of money needed for a person to meet his basic needs. It is defined as the money value of the goods and services needed to provide basic welfare to an individual.

The poverty line differs from one country to another, depending on the idea of poverty. The poverty line changes from one country to another. In developed countries, where there is an advanced standard of living and welfare, the poverty line is high as the basic living standard includes higher consumption requirements and accessibility to many goods and services.

Final Answer : The poverty line is the level of income to meet the minimum living conditions. The poverty line divides a particular country’s population into two groups: poor and non-poor. The Tendulkar committee was appointed in 2005 to study the people living under the poverty line in India. Tendulkar committee decides poverty line estimates on a monthly expenditure basis as Rs. 816 in rural areas and Rs. 1000 in urban areas

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