Sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9. When we interchange the digits it is found that the resulting new number is greater than the original number by 27. What is the two digit number



Let the digit at ten’s place be x.

The digit at one’s place be 9 – x

Therefore the original number is 10x + 9 – x = 9x + 9

If the digits are interchanged;

The digit at one’s place be x.

The digit at ten’s place be 9 – x

Therefore, the new number is 10(9 – x) + x = 90 – 10x + x

= 90 – 9x

According to the given question;

New number = Original number + 27

two digit number is 9

The digit at ten’s place is 3

The digit at one’s place is 9 – 3 = 6

Therefore, the two digit number is 36 respectively.

Final answer:

Hence, the two digit number is 36.

solved 5
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