Given here are excerpts from the book Majha Pravaas, written by Vishnubhatt

Godse, a Brahman from a village in Maharashtra. He and his uncle had set out to attend a yajna being organised in Mathura. Vishnubhatt writes that they met some sepoys on the way who told them that they should not proceed on the journey because a massive upheaval was going to break out in three days.

The sepoys said:

the English were determined to wipe out the religions of the Hindus and the Muslims … they had made a list of eighty-four rules and announced these in a gathering of all big kings and princes in Calcutta. They said that the kings refused to accept these rules and warned the English of dire consequences and massive upheaval if these are implemented … that the kings all returned to their capitals in great anger … all the big people began making plans. A date was fixed for the war of religion and the secret plan had been circulated from the cantonment in Meerut by letters sent to different cantonments. 4 marks

  1. Which massive upheaval is being talked about in the above passage?
  2. Who was Vishnubhatt Godse? List one of his works.
  3. Who had made a list of eighty-four rules?
  4. What the reaction of the Indian rulers towards this list?

  1. In the above mentioned passage, massive upheaval refers to the Revolt of 1857.
  2. He was a Brahman from a village in Maharashtra. One of his works is ‘Majha Pravaas’ written in Marathi language.
  3. The British had made a list of eighty-four rules, which was read out in a gathering of all big kings and princes in Calcutta.
  4. The kings refused to accept these rules and warned the English of terrible consequences and massive disturbance if these are implemented.
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