
Explanation: The electric bell:

  •  Figure shows a simple electric bell. It consists of an electromagnet, an armature, a contact adjusting screw, A gong and hammer.
  • The armature consists of a soft iron rod mounted on a spring.
  • One end of the iron rod presses against the top of the contact adjusting screen.
  • When the switch is pressed on, current flows in the electromagnet.
  •  It then attracts the iron rod towards itself, causing the hammer to strike the gong.
  •  At the same time, the armature loses contact with the screw and the current is switched off.
  • This causes the electromagnet to lose its magnetism and the armature springs back to its original position to close the circuit once again.
  • Current flows again and the cycle repeats itself till the current is switched off.

Electric Bell

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