
Using the golden rules of accounting the entries of cash and bank in the books of journal will be,

A cash account is classified as a real account by the golden rule of accounting. We debit what comes in and credit what goes out, just like a real account. As a result, we receive cash of Rs. 10,000 when cash is withdrawn for office usage, and the cash account is debited.

The bank account is categorised as a personal account according to the golden rule of accounting. We debit the receiver and credit the giver, as is customary for a personal account. The bank balance is reduced by Rs. 10,000, indicating that the bank is the giver, and so it is credited.

Hence, the journal entry for given transaction is,

Cash A/c Dr. 10,000

To Bank A/c 10,000

(Being Cash withdrawn from bank for office use)

solved 5
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