If the ratio of lengths, radii and Youngs moduli of steel and brass wires in the figure are a, b and c , respectively, then the corresponding is

If the ratio of lengths, radii and Youngs moduli of steel and brass wires in the figure are a, b and c , respectively, then the corresponding is



Extension of road due to force can be written as 

Δl=FL/AY where F is the force Y is the young modulus A area Y is the young modulus.

Now it can be written 

The ratio of extension of steel and brass 

(Δls)/(Δlb 〖〗=Fs/Fb ×L/ Lb ×A/ As ×Y/ Ys

⇒(Δl_s)/(Δl_b 〖_〗)=3mg/2mg×a×1/b^2 ×1/c

⇒(Δl_s)/(Δl_b 〖_〗)=3a/(2b^2 c)

solved 5
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