How will you convert:

(i) Propene to propan - 1 - ol?

(ii) Ethanal to propan - 2 - ol



(i) Convert Propene to propan-1-ol

Propene  and hydrogen bromide in the presence of  peroxide form propane bromide

An aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide on heating converted into propan-1-ol.

Propene to propan - 1 - ol

(ii) Ethanal reacts on reaction with Grignard's reagent CH3MgBr gives propan-2-ol.

Ethanal to propan - 2 - ol

Final Answer:

(i) Propene and hydrogen bromide in the presence of  peroxide form propane bromide.An aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide on heating converted into propan-1-ol.

(ii) Ethanal reacts on reaction with Grignard's reagent CH3MgBr gives propan-2-ol.

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