Potassium sulphate, tin, benzene, urea, ammonia, water, zinc sulphide,

graphite, rubidium, argon, silicon carbide.




Substance                            Type of solid


Potassium sulphate           Ionic solid


Benzene                               Molecular solid (non-polar)


Urea                                      Polar molecular solid


Ammonia                             Polar molecular solid


Water                                   Hydrogen bonded molecular solid


Zinc sulphate                      Ionic solid 


Graphite                              Covalent/ Network solid


Rubidium                             Metallic solid


Argon                                    Molecular solid (non-polar)


Silicon Carbide                    Covalent/ Network solid




Explanation: Ionic solids are those in which constituents particles are cations and anions which are held together by columbic force of interactions 


e.g.- K2SO4 ⇒ K+  +  SO4—


Metallic solids are metals in which metal ions (also called kernals) are held together by metallic bonds.)


Molecular solids are made up on molecules or inert gases.


In covalent solids constituent particles are atoms which are held together by continuous system of covalent bonds.


Note: Though in solid argon the constituent particles are atoms even it is categorised as molecular solid because the particles are held together by vander waal forces so all solids of zero group elements are placed under the category of molecular solids.)

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