Calculate the molecular masses of H2, O2, Cl2, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C3H6, NH3, CH3OH


Explanation :

Molecular mass of any molecule can be calculated by taking the sum of atomic masses of all elements constituting it. The unit of molecular mass is u i.e. unified mass.

The molecular masses of given molecules can be calculated as follows:

H2 = 1x2 = 2 u

O2 = 16 x2 = 32 u

Cl2 = 35.5x2 = 71 u

CO2 = 12x1 + 16x2 = 44 u

CH4 = 12x1 + 1x4 = 16 u

C2H6 = 12x2 + 1x6 = 30 u

C3H6 = 12x3 + 1x6 = 42 u

NH3 = 14x1 + 1x3 =17 u

CH3OH = 12x1+1x4+16x1 = 32 u

Where Atomic mass of H = 1, O = 16, Cl = 35.5, C = 12, N = 14 amu respectively.

Final Answer:

Hence, the molecular masses of given molecules are as follows:

H2 = 2 u

O2 = 32 u

Cl2 = 71u

CO2 = 44 u

CH4 = 16 u

C2H6 = 30 u

C3H6 = 42 u

NH3 = 17 u

CH3OH = 32 u

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