
Ans: The correct answer is A

A: Inflorescence- An inflorescence is a flower arrangement on the plant's floral axis. There are two types of inflorescences: 1. Racemose - the shoot axis grows indefinitely and the flowers are borne in acropetal succession. Radish, Lupin, and mustard are a few examples. 2. Cymose - the main axis terminates in a flower, the growth is limited, and the flowers are borne in a basipetal order. Begonia, teak, and Solanum are some examples.

B: Phyllotaxy- The pattern in which the leaves are arranged on the stem or its branches is known as phyllotaxy. The leaves are arranged in three different ways: 1. Alternate - In the alternate fashion, a single leaf is present at each node. China rose, mustard and sunflower are a few examples. 2. Opposite - at each node on the opposite side, a pair of leaves emerge, and the leaves lie opposite to each other. Guava and calotropis are two examples. 3. Whorled - at each node, more than two leaves emerge and form a whorl or a circle; the leaves of one whorl alternate with the leaves of the next successive whorl, ensuring that all the leaves receive maximum sunlight. Alstonia and Nerium are two examples.

C: Placentation- The arrangement of ovules on the placenta within the ovary is known as placentation. There are six types of it: marginal, axile, parietal, free central, and basal.

D: Corymb- Lower flowers on a corymb have longer pedicels than upper flowers, bringing all of the flowers to roughly the same level. The main axis is relatively short. Iberis and Capsella are two examples.

Hence, the correct answer is A, inflorescence.

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