

We know that, in a mixture, constituent substances retain all of their individual properties.
Mixtures can be separated by simple physical methods.
On the other hand, in compounds, constituent elements lose their individual properties and these elements can be separated only by chemical methods.
Compositions of mixture are not same throughout but compounds have a homogenous composition i.e. it is same throughout.
Simple physical processes such as liquefaction and fractional distillation can separate the main components of air.
When air constituents are mixed, minimal reactions occur between them that can be ignored, i.e. no energy is evolved or absorbed when air constituents are mixed.
Each air constituent keeps its physical and chemical properties.
For instance, oxygen promotes combustion.
Carbon dioxide causes limewater to turn milky.
As a result, air is a mixture.

Final Answer:

Because of the following reasons, air is a mixture but not a compound:
By fractional distillation of liquid air, air can be separated into its constituents such as oxygen, nitrogen, and so on.
The properties of all gasses present in air can be seen.


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