
Oxygen was discovered in the 1770s by two scientists independently. Joseph Priestley, an English chemist, and Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist, both found oxygen around the same time. Priestley published his findings first, so he is often credited with the discovery.


The chemical symbol for oxygen is O. It has an atomic number of 8, which means it has eight protons in its nucleus.


Physical Properties:

  • State: Oxygen is a gas at room temperature.
  • Color: It is colorless and invisible in its gas form.
  • Taste and Smell: Oxygen has no taste or smell.
  • Density: Oxygen is denser than air.
  • Boiling Point: It boils at -183°C.
  • Melting Point: It melts at -218.8°C.

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Chemical Properties:

  • Reactivity: Oxygen is highly reactive and forms compounds with almost all other elements.
  • Combustion: It supports combustion (burning) but does not burn itself.
  • Oxidation: Oxygen causes oxidation, which is a chemical reaction where a substance loses electrons.


  1. Respiration: Oxygen is essential for breathing. Humans and animals need oxygen to survive.
  2. Medical: It is used in hospitals for patients who have difficulty breathing.
  3. Industry:
    • Steel Production: Oxygen is used in making steel and other metals.
    • Welding: Oxygen is used in welding torches.
  4. Water Treatment: It is used to purify water.
  5. Space Exploration: Oxygen is used in rocket fuel and to provide breathable air in spacecraft.


  1. Most Abundant Element: Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust.
  2. Oxygen in the Atmosphere: It makes up about 21% of the Earth's atmosphere.
  3. Oxygen in Water: Water (H2O) contains oxygen. Each molecule of water has one oxygen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms.
  4. Oxygen in the Human Body: About 65% of the human body is made up of oxygen.
  5. Liquid Oxygen: At very low temperatures, oxygen turns into a pale blue liquid.
  6. Ozone: Oxygen exists as O2 (oxygen gas) and O3 (ozone). Ozone in the upper atmosphere protects us from harmful UV radiation.
  7. Discovery Date: Oxygen was officially discovered in 1774 by Joseph Priestley.

Frequently Asked Questions on Oxygen

 Oxygen gas is O2. The oxygen atom alone is O.

The valency of oxygen is 2.

Oxygen is called a gas because it is in a gaseous state at room temperature.

 Yes, the oxygen in the air is O2.

The symbol for the oxygen element is O, but oxygen gas is O2.

O2 stands for a molecule of two oxygen atoms.

Oxygen has 8 protons in its nucleus, making its atomic number 8.

The valency of oxygen is 2.