Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Defination

Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring by a single parent.

Asexual Reproduction

What is Asexual Reproduction?

In this method a single individual (parent) is capable of producing off springs. As a result the off springs produced are not only identical to one another but are also exact copies of their parent.

They are similar morphologically and genetically, therefore, can also be termed as clones. Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organisms, and in plants and animals with relatively simple organizations.

Asexual reproduction occurs in Amoeba, Paramecium, Sponges, Hydra and in certain worms. It is absent among the higher invertebrates and all vertebrates. 

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Asexual Reproduction- Characteristics

Here are the characteristics of asexual reproduction:

  • Involvement of a single parent.
  • Absence of fertilization or gamete formation.
  • Rapid occurrence of the reproductive process.
  • Quick multiplication and growth of organisms.
  • Genetic similarity of the offspring.

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Types of Asexual Reproduction

There are different types of asexual reproduction:


It is exhibited by Starfish, Hydra, Planaria etc. Wherein if a part of the body breaks or becomes detached, it can grow and develop into a completely new individual


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In budding, an offspring grows out of the body of parent. Buds may remain attached initially to the parent body but eventually get separated and matures into new organism. It occurs in both single celled and multicellular organisms. E.g; Hydra, Yeast etc. 


Binary fission

It is a type of reproduction in which nuclear division is followed by the appearance of a constriction in the cell membrane, which gradually deepens inward and divides the cytoplasm into two parts, each with one nucleus. Finally two daughter cells are formed e.g., Amoeba. 

binary fission

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Multiple fission

Sometimes the nucleus divides several times, into many daughter nuclei. The daughter nuclei arrange at the periphery of the parent cell, and a bit of cytoplasm around each daughter nuclei is present. Nucleus develops an outer membrane. Finally the multinucleated body divides into many daughter cells. e.g., Plasmodium. 



In this type of reproduction, development of unfertilized egg takes place into a complete individual. Animals like most kinds of wasps, bees and ants reproduce by this process. Even in some lizards and birds (turkey), the female gamete undergoes development to form new organism without fertilization.

Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

  • Animals that remain in one particular place and unable to find a mate would need to reproduce asexually.
  • Numerous off springs can be produced within a short period of time.
  • In an environment that remains stable without any changes, the organisms reproduce asexually.

Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

Disadvantage of asexual reproduction is the lack of genetic variation. Organisms produced due to asexual reproduction are genetically similar. Therefore, if there is any change in the surrounding environment, these organisms will not be able to cope up with these changes and as a result may perish after some time.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Asexual Reproduction

Ans. Reproduction is defined as a biological process in which organism give birth to young ones (offspring) similar to them.

Ans. Hydra and Yeast

Ans. Binary fission

Ans. In this type of reproduction, development of unfertilized egg takes place into a complete individual.


Binary fission

Multiple fission

1. It takes place in favourable condition.

1. It takes place in adverse condition.

2. A single cell divides into two daughter cells.

2. A single cell divides into many daughter cells.